My office hours are Tuesdays and Thursdays 12:00 to 3:00 in the museum.

Friday, March 7, 2014

New Research for Team Parallel lives

OK, Dr. C and I have found a ton of new information regarding GFB. Neither of us has had any  time to process this info or really interpret it. I'm passing it along in it's raw form to you guys so you can get started sifting through it:

EDIT: AFB = Amos Foster Beardsley, GFB's father.

 Convention of Fruit Growers. Pretty sure this is Amos, even though it says "Mr. FA Beardsley"

Another Passenger list. This one says FA Beardsley, so may not be our guy but I'm feeling pretty confident that he is.

Hoyt, Pidwell and Co. Wool and Hide advertisement. Not sure what to make of this. 

Pidwell and Co. The name changes.

Cases of Smut (as in wheat)

Big Beardsley Mine. No clue if this is our family

Beardsley Mine history. Google Book.

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